Section 5 40 days of Adam and Eve in Paradise Day the first
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Section 5 40 days of Adam and Eve in Paradise Day the first

Sunday, on July, 24th 3999 year Before Christ* 52

Day of the marriage ceremony

That time Adam slept more than one day, - twice, and even three times more usual. Having woken up, he began to reflect laying. In a dream he saw something unusual and now tried to remember the dream. The words of the God told by Him the day before were remembered: « I will make him an halp meet for him ».

- The God has decided to create to me the assistant! And maybe, has already created? - he has thought. In all body unusual ease was felt. Something has pricked under an edge. Adam has stretched a hand in that place and has drawn on a thorax by fingers: fingers have buried in a soft place.

- But here, apparently, there was a bone, means … The thought Adam has not had time to express, as voices were heard somebody’s.

- Perheps, those are an Angels, he has thought, and someone's steps were simultaneously audible also, but an Angels goes a little, flys more. Steps came nearer, and it became clear, that go to him. Adam has risen and has seen, that on gold street of Paradise the God led by hand to him …

- Ah, so there is my assistant! A lightning the thought has sparkled. Adam could not tear off a look from pink-checked a being.

- Woman! Behold thy husband! - the Lord God has told; Then speaks to Adam:

- Here, thy wife.

She has not told anything, only widely opened, round eyes looked at Adam. And Adam said:

- This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man, Gen.2:23. The Lord God also has told:

- Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh, Gen.2:24. The marriage ceremony consists in these words of the Lord God for a wedded life, Mat.19: 4-6. Simultaneously these words concern all men and the women, decided to enter a legal marriage, and are valid at all times mankind existence, including today if legal marriage conditions are carried out.

The first day of a life of Adam and his wife in Paradise has distinguished by special grace and solemnity. And was solemn not only a marriage ceremony for the wedded life, made by the Lord God, but also the subsequent blessing by which the God has blest the first man and the woman:

- Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth, Gen.1:28. The specified words of the Lord God mean, that though Adam has been placed on a residence in the God's City, that is in Paradise, he was given to be the lord and the terrestrial world, after all the City at that time was on the earth and represented with it as though uniform ensemble, a single whole. Thus, the terrestrial world has not been intended for reign of the Devil, the present prince of this world: the Devil has seized power cunning, after Adam's falling.

It is necessary to mention one more important event: the God has named to the man created by him and the woman a name Adam, in the day when they were created, Gen.5:2. Speaking to the simplified language, Eve has been created only today, that is the first day in Paradise for her was only in the first day of her life. Unfortunately, Adam and his wife could not carry by adequately this name in the life: on the present, to a name "Adam" quite corresponded and has justified this name the last Adam from the heaven only, the second man, that is Jesus Christ, see the Gospel St. John, 19:5, and also 1Cor.15: 45-47.
