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This Day of creation has been devoted creation of the sun, the moon and stars. After sun creation counting of years became possible, movement of the Earth on an orbit round the sun has begun. It is necessary to make a reservation at once, that the italicized words are true only in the event that the heliocentric theory is true, however the truth consists in that, as to this day there are no convincing proofs of rotation of the Earth round the sun (!). Scientists have been so assured, that the Earth rotates round the sun, that they considered the proof unnecessary. However British royal astronomer George Beadle Airy has decided to make experiment of Boshcovich: it has filled the telescope with water and has started to observe. If the Earth moves, then the tiny ellipse on which the star image moved within a year, should be in one and a half time more; but if moves stars the size of the ellipse should remain same. Airy has found out, that the size of the ellipse remained same in accuracy. This experiment Airy has proved, that the Earth does not rotate round the sun.

Albert Abraham Michelson, the well-known scientist, together with Edward Williams Morley has developed and has created the device named interferometer, for measurement of movement of the Earth through a space. In the device was used the phenomenon named an interference at which the alternating strips named interference are formed. The interval of the interference strips depends on speed from which light gets to the device. Michelson and Morley* intended to turn the device until will receive the maximum shift of interference strips. Position of the maximum shift of these strips would specify a direction in which the Earth moves. But they have found out, that howsoever they turned the device, considerable shift of strips was not. It became one more acknowledgement of that the Earth is motionless. Electromagnetic experiments, such as experiment Trouton and Noble **, too testified that the Earth is motionless.

After the publication Einstein of the theory of relativity, the majority of scientists have accepted its theory with pleasure. This theory, having refused physical basis and having accepted purely mathematical formalism, has given them a plausible excuse to ignore all proofs of the immovability of the Earth. Anybody has never proved, that the Earth moves, and the relativity theory was based on an assumption, that the Earth should move. However the French scientist by name of Sagnac has decided to check up this assumption. Sagnac has made «a rotary table» with the mirrors established so, that the ray of light was split in two: one was reflected counter-clockwise around «a rotary table», and another - clockwise. Having done a full circle, beams again join in the chamber where they gave interference strips. When «the rotary table» started to rotate, the beam going in the direction of rotation of the table, caught up with the chamber (which left with a speed v) with relative speed c - v while the beam going in the direction against rotation, came nearer towards to the chamber with relative speed c + v. If the basic postulates of the theory of relativity were true (c + v would be equaled c - v, the Aether would not be) then shift of the interference strips it should not be observed. But displacement was observed! The basic assumption of the theory of relativity, most likely, was incorrect. After that experiment for supporters of the theory of relativity needed additional interpretation to support the relativity theory. But justifications of supporters of the theory of relativity have been checked up, experimentally and theoretically, and found by the insolvent. Eventually known physicist Herbert Ives *** has noticed, that the unique way to continue to trust in the relativity theory is «to avoid to look» at the data.

The given introduction was required to us to show, whether it is possible to trust various, if one may say so, to scientific theories. Continuing theme about 4th Day of creation, we will notice, that the sun, the moon and stars are created only this, fourth Day under the account. Thus, the Earth is more aged the sun approximately by 20 thousand years. It and is clear, as is possible, that duration of radiation of the sun and is not calculated on longer term. Resulted now in the atheistic literature **** billions years, as if the sun making age and stars - purely hypothetical, besides among authors of these books are not identity of views in estimation of age of the sun (and the Earth). Well, let’s talk about these hypothetical billions years still:

In John Whitcomb's book «The World that Perished» there are many the fine examples, allowing to understand, what actually are these "billions" worth: for example, it is known, that the height of mountains increases with the speed of 1 meter for everyone 1000 years. If the Earth existed at least 100 million years (to say nothing of billions) then now the height of mountains would exceed 100 kilometers. But such high of mountains on the Earth are not present. Now we will imagine, what height there would be today of mountains if the Earth existed more than 3 billion years (so much years some scientists attribute to it). The height of mountains would be in some thousand kilometers! Fantastic, nonexistent height! Same nonexistent there are also those billions the years, attributed to the Earth and the sun.

Whence these unhealthy ideas about incalculable billions undertake? The answer to this question, we as believing people, can find in the Scripture. According to Jesus words, in the world there are two sorts of people: «He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; the field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one. The enemy that sowed them is the devil», Mat.13:38. From these words clearly, that there are people from the God, but there are also others, programmed, so to say, by the devil. The first adhere to the bible picture of the world while the last can serve as a conductor of ideas of the devil, Eph. 2:2.

Using scientific terminology existing for today, it is possible to tell, that the God has launched already some time the existing Earth into orbit of around just now created sun. Above, however, it has already been told, that according to many experiences and experiments the Earth is motionless, and, as a matter of fact, is in the Universe centre. According to geocentric theory, moves not the Earth, but only the universe. Following a bible picture of the universe, we can tell, that in the given Day of creation the Lord God has actuated created by him then the sun, the moon and stars. Fred Hoyle is the great scientist of this century. According to his words «… we know, that distinction between heliocentric and geocentric theories consists only in a movement relativity, and that such distinction has no physical value», his work «ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY - A MODERN COURSE», p. 416 see. As we see, and Fred Hoyle too has no fundamental objection against the Earth can be the Universe centre. The experiences listed above and experiments (and also many other things which here are not mentioned), at once deprive of a support all pseudoscientific theories according to which the sun, and then and the Earth were formed of a nebula, divided then into concentric circles which, in turn «were condensed into planets». But similar processes do not occur anywhere in the Universe. For example, rings of one of planets of solar system, Saturn, consisting of many splinters, do not find out any tendency to "be condensed" in a separate heavenly body, easier speaking, in a lump, continuing to remain rings during all time of their existence, despite imaginary billions years which were not reflected in any way in rings of Saturn.

Results of the fourth Day of creation are that:

1. Sun creation. It has lighted in full force approximately in 2000 after the beginning of 4th Day. In the course of sun creation the sunlight was changeable, and could change from 0 to the value exceeding present as 7 and more times. About possibility of change of solar activity it is told in the Bible: Is.30:26. The top hotbed cover reliably protected plants, both for space radiation, and for abnormal fluctuations of solar activity.

2. Secondly, the moon has been created, Gen.1:16. It would seem an unattractive detail: the moon is created after the sun. But even in this detail - the great truth and power of the Bible! After all without the sun to create the moon it would be senseless: it after all shines reflected light of the sun, and in the dark sky would be invisible without it. Namely, that at first is created the main light source, and then a reflector what the moon is. The factor of reflection of the lunar surface has been chose by the God in appropriate way, for creation of soft night illumination. If the moon has been created by the first, the God should "adjust" luminosity of the enormous sun to small, in general, a heavenly body - the Moon. But that's just the point, that Bible words are wise, correct and exact; are exact even that the Moon - the lesser light, and the sun - the greater light. The slightest awkwardness (for example if to change places of the word "sun" and "moon" in Gen.1:16) it would undermine sanctity of the Bible, but that's just the point, that it is holy for the Author is God, 2Tim.3:16. Creation and Moon launching into geocentric orbit as the natural satellite is so grandiose work of God, that in comparison with it seems something insignificant occurrence of artificial satellites of the earth, so small, that with naked eye hardly probable will notice them. The moon has found the present appearance after the lapse of approximately 4000 years after the beginning of 4th Day of creation.

3. Of everything created in 4th Day, stars are mentioned by the last, Gen.1:16. Hence, in the sky stars approximately in 20 thousand years after the beginning of the First day of creation, that is in second half of 4th Day of creation began to appear. However, creation process in part was parallel, therefore figures of age of the moon resulted here, stars and other creation, are averaged. In the Bible as a "star" word are called as well Angels (or, in another way, host heavenly, Gen.2:1). Therefore the great mass of the Angels have the same age, as stars, that is not more 20 thousand years, except for some senior Angels named in book of Job, 38:7, the morning stars which age else above and goes back to the first Day of creation. "Oldest" of them - Lucifer, i.e. the devil, named "old serpent", Rev.12:9. Having sharpened the skill of seduction within many millennia, he especially strongly seduces many recently, flying into a rage, because he knows that he has but a short time, Rev.12:12.

Notes: * see: Michelson A. A., Morley E. W.//AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, 1887, Vol. 34. ** Trouton F. T., Noble H. R.//PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY, 1903, Vol. 72, p. 132. *** Ives Herbert E.//JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, 1938, Vol. 28, p. 296 - 299. The given statements and experiences are quoted under Phillip Stott's book «Vital Questions», published in St.-Petersburg in 1996 by Christian Society  «Bible for all». **** Under atheistic I mean not only the literature in which existence of the God is denied, but also the literature in which it is denied God’s creation, creation by the God of the sky, the earth, the man, and also Bible negation, or any part of its text; including negation of the bible picture of the world, - in any form: whether it be open attacks, or the veiled disagreement. All it is atheistic inherently.
