Chapter 6 About church of the city of Sardis
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Chapter 6 About church of the city of Sardis

The city of Sardis was some time Media capital. Last of its kings was Croesus. The city name is connected with the jewel name of sardine, Rev.4:3, or a ruby of our time and means «fiery, bloody». Sardis now exists in the form of a small town, but the church in it is not present. If to apply «the theory of 7 periods» to Sardis’ church the big discomfiture again turns out. The matter is that to this church the Lord has told: «I will come on thee as a thief», that is, in days of Sardis’ church will be made Coming, and it, from the point of view of Kargel theory, cannot be. After all «the Sardis’ period» only the fifth under the account and if at it there will be Coming of the Christ and end of the world, - when there will come the periods of the sixth and the seventh? Some time for them any more does not remain. F. Farrar gives such characteristic of this church: dozing, but not lost ability to awakening.
