Section 34 Division of empire of Rome
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Section 34 Division of empire of Rome

Speaking about Rome, we will not pass by destiny of many Christians who were put to general persecutions throughout first three centuries of our Era. These persecutions were almost continuous, only sometimes going down, as in days of governing of Emperor Caracalla (211-218) or Alexander Severus (222-235). Under Marcus Aurelius (161-180) Christians were put to intense persecutions. Under Commodus (180-192) persecutions have begun on the point of to cease, but under Septimius Severus (193-211) have again renewed with former intense. Times of the persecutor of Christians Maximin (235-238) were replaced by governing of Phillipus Arabs (244-249) under which to persecutions, seemed, the end has been put, but the following governor, Decius (249-251), has renewed persecutions and has surpassed in cruelty almost all governors who were before him. The Gallus who has replaced him (251-253) tried to support persecutions at former level. Following two governors, Gallienus (253-268) and Aurelianus (270-275) were the same persecutors, as Maximin and Commodus before them. It is necessary to mention a two more, Diocletianus and Galerius under which there was a terrible persecution of Christians. Here what about it is readable at Farrar: « Galerius has at that time reached position of August and to him advantage of the emperor intended. By destruction of Church he intended to strengthen the governing. In the winter from 302 for 303 year Galerius has arrived in Nicomedia. Diocletianus was ill. The pagan party indefatigably worked, achieving from the emperor of recognition of the objective. One oracle of Apollo has answered in favor of persecution. And the emperor has followed it, but only under a condition not to spill blood. On one of the main pagan holidays, in day of Terminally, celebrated on February, 23rd, has been decided to give a sign to last terrible persecution », p. 749. The joint rulers of Empire at that time (in 311th year AD) were Konstantin and Maxentius (in the west) and also Maximin Daze and Licinius (in the east). Konstantin's victory over the joint rulers at the same time has appeared a Christianity victory over heathenism*. Struggle between Konstantin and Maxentius (ruled by Italy and Africa) was the first act of this great war. Konstantin's army totaled 40 thousand soldiers; army of Maxentius - was three times more. Konstantin led the Roman armies against Rome! As Konstantin told then, to him there was a sign: when the sun tended to the West, he has suddenly seen a light cross on the sun and near to it shining words: by this win! According to Konstantin, at night to him the Christ ** appeared and ordered him to make this sign of the cross as the military sign and then with absolute confidence of a victory to enter struggle. Konstantin has ordered to prepare one banner with a cross and the name of the Christ, himself has attached a cross on the helmet, and soldiers - on the shields. Then Konstantin gained one victory after another. With a celebration Konstantin has entered Rome, all West was in his power. However in the east of the country still rules Licinius, drew back from Konstantin and taken against him a hostile stand. At that time in that part of the country where rules Licinius, occurred any injustice concerning Christians. So, the deputy of Small Armenia in Greek Sebastia (nowadays the large city of Sivas in river basin Cizilirmak, territory of Asia Minor’s Turkey) has ordered 40 soldiers, refused to repudiate the Christian faith, absolutely nude to expose on ice within severely cold winter night. For those that dared to repudiate the Christ, the warm bath and any seductive means ashore have been prepared. But only one has appeared weak and left on coast. However Instead of him immediately came out one of guard soldiers as the confessor, so on ice have found death of 40 soldiers.

Intensity between Licinius and Konstantin has led to open war. Before the beginning of campaign Licinius has assembled chiefs of the army and the pivotal dignitaries of the court in one sacred grove. After making of a sacrifice, he has showed in statues of gods as on transferred them from ancestors, complained of Konstantin, that he, breaking away from of theirs fathers sanctuaries, reveres another's God and offends an army of Romans by a cross sign. Then he expressively demanded judgment of God. «The outcome of this war, - he spoke, - should resolve between his God and our gods. If the stranger whom we mock now, appears victorious also we should recognize and revere Him, and we will refuse gods, for which now we are lighting fixtures. But if our gods will win (as we do not doubt it) after this victory we will pass to war against their enemies», - narrates Eusebius Caesarian in the book «Life of Konstantin», ll, 5.

From his part Konstantin has put the army under a cross banner. Licinius has been absolutely crushed. Heathenism it has been destroyed at one blow*. Konstantin remained sole and unlimited the lord of again unified state, - specifies Farrar in p. 771 of the book «First days of Christianity». In 326th year AD Konstantin has enjoined on a place of the Ancient Greek colony of Byzantium, on the bank of Bosporus at an exit to Sea of Marmara to laid the city of Constantinople. In 330th year the capital is transferred from Rome to Constantinople. To the state has been given new, from the very beginning the Christian capital. In 337th year Konstantin has died. After him three his sons inherited, after which were five more governors then the power in the hands took Theodosius, the Spaniard by origin. It was last emperor still united Empire. In 395th year, after his death, succeed to him two his sons: Arcady and Honorius, having halved Empire. In the East, with capital of Constantinople, there was Arcady. In the West, with capital of Rome, rules Honorius. Since that time on never more the East did not unite with the West. East part of Empire soon began to be called as Byzantium.

To Balkan Peninsula where there was the city of Constantinople, from the middle of 7th century of our Era the Bulgarians (living near to Sea of Azov and along Volga, on the earths before the existing Scythia) began to move. The nomad’s way of life of Bulgarians and their east origin confirms once again their relationship with Scythian tribes. Thus, in Ylll century on Balkan peninsula there was a first Slavic state - Bulgaria. The Bulgarian prince (by the way, bearing the name, extended among Scythians - Boris) in second half of IX century has accepted a christening from the Byzantian clergy. In the end of 14th century Serbia and Bulgaria have undergone to invasion Turks which in 1453rd AD have plundered Constantinople. After falling of the Byzantian state by the sole real defender of interests of southern Slavs there was Moscow. Russian church at that time was considered as a part of the Byzantian church. After a capture of Byzantium by Turks, Russian tsar Ivan III married Greek princess Zoe (Sofia) Palaiologina. Ivan III said now, that he is the successor of the Byzantian emperors. Ivan has made the ancient Emblem of Byzantium (a two-headed eagle) as the Emblem of the Moscow State. From abroad he has ordered out the Italian handicraftsmen and artists to Moscow. The Kremlin walls and the towers constructed by Italians, and now it is still live remind of Ivan's III time. Ivan has entered magnificent usages of a court of the Greek emperors in the Kremlin palace. Thus, as heiress of east part of Empire of Rome became Moscow, personifying the East and today.

Notes: * the Christianity victory over heathenism was so impressive, that even now, later 17 centuries, still remind of itself cross images on flags of the various states, and also with presence of the parties initially called "Christian", for example CDU and CSU in Germany. However heathenism gradually began to revive and restore the positions won from it. For a long time are dug out (and in some cases and restored) pagan temples. Some of them are already used for official ceremonies. Are anew constructed and for a long time already function (for example, in Italy) even such forgotten pagan cults, as the service to the Egyptian gods which was still in days of Pharaohs. For a long time have opened the offices and openly operate sorcerers and witches of a various sort. Constantinople is plundered for a long time, and its main Christian temple of St. Sophia is transformed into a mosque. This city which has been conceived as «The Christian capital» has lost even the name and is renamed into Istanbul. ** The Author states this known history from Konstantin's life in a statement of historian Eusebius Caesarian. The historical reality of that time is stated by him truly. As to the given special case where Konstantin says, that before him appeared the Christ, - the author has some doubts. So, Konstantin, being the emperor, simultaneously applied for a management in Church and actually was the head of Church, having a title of the Supreme priest though at all has not accepted a christening. He has accepted a christening only at the very end of the life, shortly before the death.
