Exercise 5
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Exercise 5

Complete the story with ing-forms

smoking (2)        getting                 drinking              

having (2)           wanting               taking                   staying                 eating   gaining telling                                  

going (2)                            

being (2)                             shopping                            avoiding

Day1. I quit __________! This was the first day of the rest of my life as a non-smoker. __________ through the day wasn't too difficult. I quit __________ coffee today too, and I think that helped. I used to enjoy __________ a cigarette with a cup of coffee in the morning.

DAY 3. Today was harder. I called Dinah and admitted __________ to smoke. She advised __________ deep breaths and __________ busy. That worked. I have to resist __________ too much. __________ five pounds isn't a big deal, but I don't want to gain more than that.

Day 5. I got through the workweek __________smoke free. My boss keeps __________ me, "You can do it." I really appreciate __________ her support. I miss __________, but I don't miss __________ outside in the cold just to smoke. I also don't mind __________ holes in my clothes!

Day 7. Dinah suggested __________ out to dinner, but I can't risk __________ around smokers . . . Instead, we went __________ and I bought a shirt with the money I saved during my first week as a non-smoker.
