§2. The subject of aesthetics and the formation of science perspective
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§2. The subject of aesthetics and the formation of science perspective

The content of the subject of aesthetics defined the terms of the problems that explores this science. Briefly list the main ones.

The aesthetic relation of man to reality, his essence, origin, analysis of the various approaches to solving this problem.

Aesthetic human activity, its significance and specific characteristics, the main areas (labor, material production, socio-political, family and everyday attitudes, behavior and communication, play, art, etc.).

Aesthetic consciousness of man, its structure (the need for an aesthetic, an aesthetic emotion, aesthetic sense, aesthetic taste, the aesthetic ideal), especially the functioning and development.

The main categories of aesthetics, the beautiful and ugly, sublime and base, the tragic and the comic, the aesthetic and artistic, and others, the evolution of their content, especially in the use of various "aesthetic contexts."

Art, artistic activities of man in all its diversity (aesthetic and social characteristics, the basic functions of the system and the arts, especially art and aesthetic perception of works of art, etc.).

Aesthetic culture of the individual and society (culture behavior and communication, the aesthetic potential of the individual and society, etc.).

History of aesthetic doctrines, modern aesthetic concepts, the emergence and development of ideas about beauty in different historical periods, the formation of aesthetic concepts, and their interaction in the system of spiritual values of man.

Aesthetics is a science of formation of sensate culture of a man. (Aesthetics (also spelled aesthetics or esthetics) is a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste, and with the creation and appreciation of beauty. It is more scientifically defined as the study of sensory or sensori-emotional values, sometimes called judgments of sentiment and taste. More broadly, scholars in the field define aesthetics as "critical reflection on art, culture and nature." Aesthetics is a subdiscipline of axiology, a branch of philosophy, and is closely associated with the philosophy of art. Aesthetics studies new ways of seeing and of perceiving the world.)

The subject of aesthetics is the organic union of two parts: 1) identification of the dialectics of the process of development, the specificity of the aesthetic as a manifestation of the value relationship of man to reality, and 2) the artistic activity of man.

These parts are closely linked, although they are relatively independent. The first part examines the nature and specificity of the creative potential of the aesthetic, the categories of aesthetics – a beautiful, tragic and comic. The second part examines the structure and functional characteristics, the nature of artistic talent, types, genre and stylistic originality of art.

The process of finding an adequate balance between these parts is exactly a history of the formation of aesthetics.

Such notions as the beautiful, perfect, harmony, value, philosophy of art combine these two parts. For centuries, aesthetics has been and is "the science of the beautiful", "science of the perfect", "science of the laws of art."


The complexity of determining the object of aesthetics draws our attention to the problem of terminology.

The term "aesthetics" was coined in the German form ?sthetik (modern spelling ?sthetik) by Alexander Baumgarten in 1735. It was derived from the Greek ?????????? (aisthetikos, meaning "esthetic-sensitive-sentient"), which in turn was derived from???????-?????????? (aisthese-aisthanomai, meaning "to perceive-feel-sense").

It’s also necessary to consider such greek terms as /estanomai/, /estesi/, /estanome/.

These terms correspond to the notion of feelings. But it also absorbed the many shades of the individual human relationship to the object oriented person on their own visual, auditory, tactile sensibility, demanded trust to their own perception of the world.

Still, the aesthetic knowledge formed within philosophy as a kind of part, regardless of the appearance of certain terminology.
