The Astronomical Tables of NASA
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The Astronomical Tables of NASA

As already it has been told above, according to the Jewish calendar on Tuesday on March, 27th 31 AD there was Judaic Passover. In full conformity with it is and the computer version of the Jewish calendar under the name «Kaluach». The author of the given book has spent not one day for the purpose of check of data of this calendar, but they have appeared exact. For the author "arguments" of the faithless people for a long time are known, refusing to accept those or other data under a pretext: « It nobody knows ». Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov not without reason named 21st century « a century of ignorance ». It is clear, that it is possible not to believe separate scientists, or even many of them, but today I specify in one of the most authoritative organizations which only exist all over the world, National Aeronautic and Space Agency (in abbreviated form NASA) in the USA. Now before me lay astronomical tables NASA with data about phases of the Moon from 31 to 35 AD, with instructions of each of quarters of lunar month, and also with instructions of new moons, and on every month (from January till December) and, that the most important, with instructions of the exact times of all quarters and new moons (to within one minute). And so, these data (it is concrete for March of 31 AD) coincide with data of the Jewish calendar and confirm, that in 31 AD Judaic Passover was on March, 27th. The best acknowledgement cannot to imagine! The hourly Table of events of this day (since previous and finishing the following) is lower given:

Table 8, events of Tuesday on March, 27th 31 AD

The name of day accordingly the Jewish calendar

The name of day of the standard calendar


Event time

On Nisan, 14th 31

On March, 26th 31 Monday

According to the book Exodus, 12: 6 - 8, in the evening Jews kills a Passover lamb which ate at night.

After 16 p.m.

On Nisan, 15th 31

On March, 27th 31 Tuesday

Practically from 16 o'clock on March, 26th up to 18 p.m. on March, 27th the First day of the feast (Ex.12: 18) was considered. Practically 15th of Nisan was the first day of Passover (and it is the first day of the feast). This day disciples have asked Jesus: «where will thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover? », Mat.26: 17, Mark.14:12.

 About 9 in the morning

On Nisan 15th

On March, 27th 31 Tuesday

Jesus sat down with disciples «when has come evening» (came to an end 15th of Nisan and began 16th of Nisan)

After 17 p.m.

On Nisan 15th

On March, 27th 31 Tuesday

Jesus with the twelve eats Judaic passover (a lamb with unleavened bread and grasses), Mat.26:21, Mark4:18.

since 17 to 18 p.m.

On Nisan 16th

On March, 27th 31 Tuesday

Jesus washes feet to disciples, Jn.13:4-11.

since 18 to 19

On Nisan 16th

On March, 27th 31 Tuesday

Jesus again set down for Supper, Jn.13:12, talks. Dips a bread piece, Jn.13:26 (to sauce from bitter grasses) and gave it to Judas. Judas leaves, Jn.13:30.

Apprx. 19: 30

On Nisan 16th

On March, 27th 31 Tuesday

Disciples continue to eat (already without Judas). Jesus establishes the Easter of the New Testament in memoirs of the death, Mat.26:26-28.

Nearby 19: 40

On Nisan 16th

On March, 27th 31 Tuesday

Jesus makes the big lecture to disciples (in the Gospels occupies 125 verses), see since Jn.13:31 till the end of the chapter and further chapter 14, 15, 16 and 17 completely.

19:40 - 20:40

On Nisan 16th

On March, 27th 31 Tuesday

Jesus and disciples leave over the stream Cedron, where was a garden *, Jn.18:1

From 20:40 till 21

On Nisan 16th

On March, 27th 31 Tuesday

Jesus prays in the Gethsemane garden, Mat.26:36-39; he prays one hour, Mat.26:40.

since 21 till 22

On Nisan 16th

On March, 27th 31 Tuesday

Jesus prays again, Mat.26:42, disciples have fallen asleep.

22 - 23

On Nisan 16th

On March, 27th 31 Tuesday

Jesus prays third time, Mat.26:44, disciples sleep.

23 - 24

On Nisan 16th

On March, 28th 31 Wednesday

Jesus awakes disciples; Judas with the people from chief priests comes and kisses of Jesus, Mat.26:45-49.

24 o'clock at night

On Nisan 16th

On March, 28th 31 Wednesday

Peter strikes the slave of the high priest. Jesus heals him, Jn.18:10.


On Nisan 16th

On March, 28th 31 Wednesday

Warriors ties up of Jesus and take him away to the father-in-law of Caiaphas, Jn.18:12, 13.

00:20 - 00:45

On Nisan 16th

On March, 28th 31 Wednesday

John enters Peter into the palace of the high priest, Jn.18:16.

1 o'clock in the morning

On Nisan 16th

On March, 28th 31 Wednesday

Jesus at Anna. Peter is heated at a fire, Jn.18:18.

1 – 3** a.m.

On Nisan 16th

On March, 28th 31 Wednesday

Anna sends Jesus to Caiaphas, Mat.26:57. Jesus at Caiaphas

3 - 6 a.m.

On Nisan 16th

On March, 28th 31 Wednesday

The chief priests, the elders of the people and the scribes gather, and led Jesus into their council, Lk.22:66.

6 - 7

The further is already described in Table 6, see above. The notes: * garden of Gethsemane was in distance about one and a half kilometers, and it was required about 20 minutes of walking.

 ** While Jesus was at Anna, there have passed following events:

1. Servants and officers were in Anna's court yard during cold time, yet without a fire (about 15 minutes); 2. They kindles a fire of coals in the midst of the hall (apprx. 15 minutes); 3. Peter is heated at a fire (before the first renunciation, Lk.22:56) apprx. 10 minutes; 4. Peter is heated at a fire (before the second renunciation, Lk.22:58) during apprx. 20 minutes; 5. Peter continues to be heated at a fire, before the third renunciation (within one hour, Lk.22:59). 6. Anna has sent Jesus to Caiaphas when the cock crew, Jn.18:24-27 (when the cock has started crew, Jesus still was at Anna, Lk.22:60, 61). Total Jesus was at Anna 2 hours.

Chronology of the Gospel According to St. Matthew

Order of using the below-mentioned Table: In the list of places from the gospel of St. Matthew the reader finds his interesting verse and the chapter. Near each of such places is indicated a date of which the given place of the Gospels concerns. For example, you read 13 verse of 3rd chapter where baptism of Jesus is described and wish to know, when it occurred. You find in the list of places Mat.3:13 where it is specified, that it was on January, 19th 29 AD. Or you read 1st verse of 15th chapter where the meeting of priests against Jesus is described: if you wish to know, when it occurred, you find in the list of places Mat.15:1 where it is specified, that it was on March, 28th 31 AD, and so on. In some places of the Gospels are specified not only day, but also and hour of event, see for example, Jn.1:39, Jn.19:14, Mat.27:45, 46, Mark15:25, etc. Generally speaking, events of Judaic Passover when has been crucified and has risen Jesus, it is impossible to understand in all completeness without these hours specified in all four Gospels. The disregard exact data (or the inability to use of them) has led to fallacies of followers of historical churches (and not only them).

These incorrect concepts have disseminated everywhere:

1. It is said that the Special entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem was on Sunday, however according to the Gospels it was on Thursday. 2. It is said that the Christ has been crucified on Friday, however detailed research of texts of the Bible specifies on Thursday. 3. It is said that Last Supper the Christ with Apostles was on Thursday, however it was in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. 4. Time of resurrection of the Christ coincides only (He has really risen on Sunday), however date of resurrection remained the unknown (every year Easter was celebrated in different days and in different months). 5. Remained unknown not only day, but also year of death of the Christ. In the given work these blanks are filled, and there where in the Scripture it is a question of hours, the author also specifies not only day, but also hour of event.

Table 9, Time of the events of the gospel of St. Matthew

Place of the Scripture,  event date

Place of the Scripture,  event date

Mat.1:2, birth of Isaac-1952 B.C. Birth of Jacob-1892 B.C. Birth of Judas-1813 B.C.

Mat.14:16, a miracle with five breads and two fishes – 3rd of April 30 AD

Mat.1:3, birth of Phares and Zara - about 1750 B.C.

Mat.14:34, healing of sick persons - on April, 4th 30 AD

Mat.1:5, birth of Obed -1039 B.C. Birth of Jesse -1000 B.C.

Mat.15:1, Jesus disciples transgress the tradition of the elders - on April, 5th 30 AD

Mat.1:6, David's birth - 955 B.C.

Mat.15:22, the woman of Canaan -6th of April 30 AD

Mat.1:7, a birth of the Roboam - 888 B.C.

Mat.15:30, healing of sick men - on August, 8th 30 AD

Mat.1:8, a birth of the Josaphat - 823 B.C.  A birth of Joram 794 B.C.  A birth of the Ozias - 686 B.C.

Mat.15:34, a miracle with seven breads - on August, 10th 30 AD

Mat.1:9, a birth of Joatham - 644 B.C.  A birth of Achaz - 624 B.C.  A birth of Ezekias - 616 B.C.

Mat.15:39, Jesus in the coasts of Magdala - on August, 10th 30 AD

Mat.1:10, a birth of the Manasses - 574 B.C. A birth of Amon - 535 B.C. A birth of Josias - 520 B.C.

Mat.16:5, about the leaven of the Pharisees - on August, 11th 30 AD

Mat.1:11, a birth of the Johoiakim* - 505 B.C.   A birth of Jechonias - 489 B.C.

Mat.16:13, «Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?» - on August, 12th 30 AD

Mat.1:18, betrothal – 1st year BC

Mat.17:2, Transfiguration of Jesus - on August, 19th 30 AD

Mat.1:25, the Birth of Jesus - on January, 7th 2 before AD

Mat.17:14, healing of demon-possessed - on August, 20th 30 AD

Mat.2:2, coming of wise men -13th of February, 2 before AD

Mat.18:1, «who is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven? » - September of 30 AD

Mat.2:4, meeting at Herod -14th of February 2 before AD

Mat.18:12, the parable of the lost sheep - March of 31 AD

Mat.2:7, wise men at the Herod-15th of February 2 before AD

Mat.19:1, Jesus leaves Galilee - on March, 18th 31 AD

Mat.2:11, wise men worship to Jesus -17th of February 2 before AD**

Mat.19:3,  a question to the Pharisee - on March, 19th 31 AD

Mat.2:14, flight into Egypt – at night from 17th to 18th of February, 2 before AD

Mat.20:18, Jesus says, that him will condemn to death - on March, 21st 31 AD

Mat.2:19, death of the Herod. Joseph leaves Egypt – April, 2 before AD (in 751st year «From the founding of Rome»).

Mat.20:30, healing the blind - on March, 21st 31 AD, 6 o’clock in the morning

Mat.3:1, coming and the preaching of John the Baptist - since June, 13th of 28 AD

Mat.21:1, Jesus sends two disciples for the ass and the colt - Wednesday on March, 21st 31 AD

Mat.3:13, christening of Jesus-19th of January 29 AD

Mat.21:8, solemn entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem - Thursday, on March, 22nd 31 AD

Mat.4:1, forty days of tempting of Jesus in wilderness - since January, 19th of 29 AD

Mat.21:12, Jesus casts out all them that sold and bought in the temple - Friday, on March, 23rd 31 AD

Mat.4:3, last tempting of Jesus - morning on February, 28th 29 AD

Mat.21:18, the withered away fig tree - Saturday, on March, 24th, 31 AD

Mat.4:12, arrest of John the Baptist - about December, 20th of 29 AD

Mat.21:33, a parable about a vineyard and vinedressers - on March, 24th 31 AD

Mat.4:18, Jesus calls the Peter and Andrew - March of 30 AD

Mat.22:15, Pharisees confer how they might entangle of Jesus in his talk - on March, 24th 31 AD

Mat.5:1, «uphill» the preaching - 2nd of April 30 AD

Mat.24:1, Jesus foretells temple destruction - on March, 24th 31 AD

 Mat.6:9, Jesus teaches to pray-28th of March 30 AD

Mat.26:2, Jesus foretells the crucifixion - Saturday, on March, 24th 31 AD

Mat.8:1, the end of «uphill» preaching -2nd of April 30 AD

Mat.26:7, a woman poured of very precious ointment on the head of Jesus - on March, 22nd 31 AD

 Mat.8:6, healing of the servant of a centurion – 25th of March 30 AD

Mat.26:17, the first day of the feast - Tuesday, on March, 27th 31 AD

Mat.8:19, desire of the scribe -26th of March 30 AD

Mat.26:44, Jesus prays in third time - Tuesday, on March, 27th 31 AD, 23 o’clock p.m.

Mat.8:28, in the country of the Gergesenes – 27th of March 30 AD

Mat.26:47, coming of Judas - Wednesday, on March, 28th 31 AD, midnight.

Mat.9:1, again in Capernaum – 27th of March 30 AD

Mat.26:57, Jesus is taken to Caiaphas - Wednesday, on March, 28th, 31 AD

Mat.9:1, coming of disciples of John - on March, 27th 30 AD

Mat.27:1, high priests confer to betray Jesus to death - Wednesday on March, 28th 31 AD

Mat.10: 1, Jesus elects 12 Apostles - on April, 2nd 30 AD

Mat.27:58, Joseph of Arimathaea asks of the Pilate the body of Jesus - Thursday, on March, 29th 31 AD, 18 o'clock in the evening.

Mat.11:2, John sends two his disciples to Jesus - on March, 23rd 30 AD

Mat.27:62, Pharisees ask the Pilate to put the guard at a sepulcher of Jesus - Friday, on March, 30th 31 AD, after 18 o’clock p. m.

Mat.11:7, leaving of disciples of John - on March, 27th 30 AD

Mat.28:1, Jesus has risen from dead - Sunday on April, 1st 31 AD

Mat.12:1, Jesus went the sowed fields - on April, 8th 30 AD

Mat.28:16, eleven disciples go to Galilee to see Jesus - on April, 13th 31 AD

Mat.12:9, healing a man which had his hand withered – 15th of April 30 AD

Mat.28:17, having seen risen Jesus, disciples have worshipped to Him - on April, 15th 31 AD

In the gospel of St. Matthew events since 1952 BC to April, 15th 31 AD are mentioned.

*In this place of the English Bible name of Johoiakim is wrongly mixed with name of Jechonias and consequently is missed out. So, in Mat.1:11 it is readable: “And Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon”. However Josias was not father of Jechonias. Instead of it Josias was father of Johoiakim, 2Ki.23:34. Then Johoiakim became the father of Jeñhonias, 2Ki.24:6 (and his brothers). That is the text of 11th verse of 1st chapter of the Gospel according Matthew must be such: “And Josias begat Johoiakim. Johoiakim begat Jechonias and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon”

  Some notes to Table 9:

1. In the Gospel according to John, 12:1-10 it is impossible to contain a similar episode from the Gospel according to Luke, 7:37-50 for following reasons: a) all knew the died and risen Lazarus who was with Jesus at supper, John12:2; sister of the Lazarus the Martha (she also is and sister of Mary) served on this supper, but, substituting the text from Luke7:37 «a sinner, sister of Mary» at first at all did not know where is Jesus. b) In the presence of the Lazarus any of those present at supper could not draw a conclusion, that Jesus did not know who Mary is, see Lk.7:39. Jesus knew who Mary is, see Jn.11:32, even before resurrection of the Lazarus. c) Besides, after supper with the Lazarus, see Jn.12:2, was the entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem, Jn.12:13 and the subsequent events connected with the crucifixion. But after an entertainment in Lk.7:36-50, the Lord «went throughout every city and village, preaching … Kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him». But for it Jesus any more did not have time. Besides, at that time Judas has already departed from them, betraying Jesus, Mat.26:13-15 and apostles remains only eleven. CONCLUSION: at Luke 7:37-50 the episode which has occurred long before a similar episode at other Evangelists is described. At Luke the episode with Mary Magdalena, and at other Evangelists - with Mary, sister of the Lazarus is described, these are two different Mary. In the same house the tradition already has been as though observed! In the first case ointment was usual, Lk.7:37, 38, 46, but in last episode, before Last Supper, ointment was precious, Mat.26:7, Mark.14:3, John.12:3. Clearly, that two different cases mean: at various times and with different people, but in the same place.

2. In Mat.28:16 the way 100 km (62 miles) long, not less, that is 2 days of walking is supposed. It is a question of the showing of Jesus in Galilee. It is described in John.21:1, and «the sea of Tiberias» this is sea of Galilee; words from Mat.28:18 «And Jesus came and spoke unto them» correspond to words from Jn.21:13 «Jesus then comes».

3. When wise men have come to worship to Jesus? **

On February, 15th 2nd before AD Mary with Joseph were in Jerusalem for fulfillment of a ceremonial with the Baby as since January, 7th (when the Baby was born) there have passed 40 days necessary under the law. This day (that is on February, 15th) wise men were at the Herod (see Mat.2:7) which has sent them home the Baby. And Mary with Joseph this day after ceremonial fulfillment has gone to a way back home, to Nazareth (see Lk.2:39). A way to home has been covered by them since 15th to 17th of February and on February, 17th they with the Baby already were at home. The same days and almost same by went to worship to the Baby wise men and the way to them was specified by a star which went before them, Mat.2:9. Wise men have entered into the house where there was the Baby, too on February, 17th, soon after Mary's returning with Joseph. The worship of the wise men was on February, 17th, and flight into Egypt was at night from 17th to February, 18th. Flight time - within nearby 42 days plus time for road back, home. Time of their returning depends with time of death of the Herod which has died about March, 31st of the same year (according to prophecy, that the star of born Jesus strikes princes of Moab, see Num.24:17). As at returning home Mary and Joseph had to bypass Judea (see Mat.2:22) that time for a way back has increased for 5 days, not less. Duration of all time of flight into Egypt (together with road there and back) does not exceed 72 days.

Table 10, Dates of events of the Gospel according to St. Mark

Place of the Scripture,  event date

Place of the Scripture,  event date

Mark.1:1, the Gospel beginning - on June, 13th 28 AD

Mark.7:27, healing of the daughter of the woman - Syrophenician - on April, 6th 30 AD

Mark.1:9, baptism of Jesus - on January, 19th 29 AD

Mark.8:2, a miracle with seven breads – 10th of August, 30 AD

Mark.1:12, tempting of Jesus in wilderness - has begun in the morning on January, 19th 29 AD

Mark.8:17, Jesus about the leaven of the Pharisees - on August, 11th 30

Mark.1:14, Jesus preaches in Galilee - since December, 22nd of 29 AD

Mark.8:28, a question of Jesus: «Whom do men say that I am? » - on August, 12th 30 AD

Mark.1:16, Jesus calls the Peter and Andrew - March of 30 AD

Mark.9:3, Transfiguration of Jesus – 19th of August 30 AD

Mark.1:21, Jesus in Capernaum - since March, 24th of 30 AD

Mark.9:17, healing of demon-possessed, which had a dumb spirit - on August, 20th 30 AD

 Mark.1:24, healing of demon-possessed - on March, 25th 30 AD

Mark.9:33, disciples argue, who from them is the greatest - September, 30 AD

Mark.1:35, Jesus leaves in a deserted place for a pray - on March, 26th 30 AD

Mark.10:1, Jesus comes to Judea - on March, 18th 31 AD

Mark.1:40, Jesus heals leprous - on March, 26th 30 AD

Mark.10:14, Jesus speaks: «Suffer the little children to come unto me» -on March, 19th 31AD

Mark.2:1, healing of the sick of the palsy - on March, 27th 30 AD

Mark.10:35, the request of sons of Zebedee - on March, 20th 31 AD

Mark.2:23, Jesus goes the sowed fields - on April, 8th 30 AD

Mark.10:48, healing of blind - on March, 21st 31AD

Mark.3:1, healing of a man which had a withered hand - on April, 15th 30 AD

Mark.11:1, Jesus sends disciples for a donkey - in the evening on Wednesday, on March, 21st 31AD

Mark.3:14, Election of 12 apostles - Sunday, on April, 2nd, 30 AD

Mark.11:8, a solemn entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem - Thursday, on March, 22nd 31 AD

Mark.3:31, Mother and brothers have come to Jesus - on March, 29th 30 AD

Mark.11:12, Jesus searches for fruits on a fig - on March, 23rd 31 AD

Mark.4:1, a parable about a sower - on March, 29th 30 AD

Mark.11:20, the fig tree has dried up from the roots - on March, 24th 31 AD

Mark.4:35, Jesus transforms a storm into silence - on March, 29th 30 AD

Mark.14:1, a council of chief priests against Jesus - on March, 24th 31 AD

Mark.5:1, healing of a man with an unclean spirit in the country of the Gadarenes - on March, 30th, 30 AD

Mark.14:3, the woman poured ointment on the head of Jesus - on March, 21st 31 AD

Mark.5:21, healing of the daughter of the chief of a synagogue - on March, 31st 30 AD

Mark.14:22, Jesus establishes the Easter of the New testament - night from Tuesday to Wednesday, on March, 27th 31 AD

Mark.6:1, Jesus in his own country - on March, 31st 30 AD

Mark.15:1, chief priests betray Jesus to the Pilate - Wednesday on March, 28th 31 AD

Mark.6:2, Jesus preaches in a synagogue - on April, 1st 30 AD

Mark.15:8, the people ask to release Barabbas instead of Jesus - Thursday, on March, 29th 31AD

Mark.6:7, election of 12 apostles - on April, 2nd 30 AD

Mark.15:42, Joseph of Arimathaea asks at Pilate to take off a body of Jesus - Thursday, in evening on March, 29th 31 AD

Mark.6:21, daughter of Herodias dances at birthday of the Herod - on March, 31st, 30 AD

Mark.16:2, Resurrection of Jesus from dead - Sunday, on April, 1st 31AD

Mark.6:28, death of John the Baptist - on March, 31st 30 AD

Mark.16:15, Jesus Christ Ascension - on May, 10th 31 AD

Mark.6:30, returning of apostles from their first preach - on April, 3rd 30 AD


Mark.6:54, healing of sick men in the land of Genn esaret - on April, 4th 30 AD


Mark.7:1, Jesus about the tradition of the elders - on April, 5th 30 AD


In the Gospel according St. Mark events since June, 13th of 28 AD till May, 10th 31 AD are described.

Table 11, Dates of events of the Gospel from Luke

Place of the Scripture,  event date

Place of the Scripture,  event date

Luke.1:9, Zacharias according a lot has entered into the Temple for burning incense - on October, 26th 4 before AD (or 2 BC)

Luke.7:24, John's disciples have left, having received the answer of Jesus – 27th of March, 30AD

Luke.1:24, pregnancy of Elisabeth - since November, 4th of 2 BC

Luke.8:4, Jesus has told a parable about the sower - on March, 29th 30 AD

Luke.1:26, the annunciation day to Virgin Mary – 7th of April 1 BC

Luke.8:19, Mother and brothers have come to Jesus - on March, 29th 30 AD

Luke.1:57, a birth of John the Baptist – 11th of August 1 BC

Luke.8:22, Jesus floats in the country of the Gadarenes - at night from 29th to 30th of March, 30 AD

Luke.1:59, a name-day of John the Baptist – 18th of August 1 BC

Luke.8:27, healing of demon-possessed in the country of the Gadarenes - on March, 30th 30 AD

Luke.2:2, census at the Caesar Augustus - since August 1 BC (750th «From foundation of Rome»).

Luke.9:2, Jesus sends for the first time apostles to preach - on April, 2nd 30 AD

 Luke.2:4, Joseph with Mary go for census - about 1st of January, 2 before AD

Luke.9:10, returning of apostles after the preaching – 3rd of April, 30 AD

Luke.2:7, Jesus Christ Birth – 7th January New Style, 2 before AD

 Luke.9:18, Jesus has asked: «Whom say the people that I am? » - 12th of August 30 AD

Luke.2:21, name of child was called JESUS - on January, 14th 2 before AD

Luke.9:29, Transfiguration of Jesus – 19th of August, 30 AD

Luke.2:22, Mary and Joseph brought of Jesus to Jerusalem – 15th of February 2 before AD

Luke.9:38, Jesus descends from a mount. Healing of demon-possessed – 20th of August, 30 AD

Luke.2:27, they brought of Jesus into the Temple - on February, 16th 2 before AD

Luke.9:46, disciples argue: who from them is greatest - September of 30AD

Luke.2:42, Jesus in Jerusalem on Passover feast - on April, 7th 11 AD

Luke.9:52, Jesus goes through Samaria – 18th of March, 31 AD

Luke.2:43, the child Jesus remained in Jerusalem - on April, 14th 11 AD

Luke.9:57, Jesus says, that has not where to lay his head - on March, 29th 30 AD

Luke.2:46, Mary and Joseph have found of Jesus in the Temple – 19th of April 11 AD

Luke.10:1, Jesus appointed 70 disciples* - on March, 27th 30 AD

 Luke.3:1, the beginning of ministering of John the Baptist - on June, 13th 28 years AD

Luke.11:2, Jesus teaches disciples to a Lord’s prayer - on March, 28th 30 AD

Luke.3:21, baptism of Jesus – 19th January New Style, 29 AD

 Luke.11:15, Pharisees do not believe and disgrace of Jesus - on March, 29th 30 AD

Luke.4:1, the first day of tempting of Jesus in wilderness - on January, 19th 29 AD, after 12 o'clock in the afternoon.

Luke.12:1, Jesus has told: Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees – 11th of August 30 AD

Luke.4:3, last day (last hours of tempting of Jesus) - morning on February, 28th 29 AD

Luke.14:2, healing on the Sabbath day of the sufferer a dropsy - on March, 24th 31 AD

Luke.4:14, Jesus has come to teach to Galilee - since December, 22nd of 29 AD

Luke.15:4, a parable about the lost sheep – March, 31 AD

Luke.4:16, Jesus preaches in Nazareth - on March, 18th 30 AD

Luke.16:18, Jesus about divorce - on March, 18th 31 AD

Luke.4:31, Jesus in Capernaum - since March, 24th of 30 AD

Luke.17:1, Jesus about offences - the end of August of 30AD

Luke.4:33, Jesus in a synagogue of Capernaum – 25th of March 30 AD

Luke.18:15, Jesus about babies - on March, 19th 31 AD

 Luke.5:1, Jesus calls of Peter - nearby 23rd of March 30 AD

Luke.18:35, healing of a blind – 20th of March, 31AD

Luke.5:29, the Matthew treats of Jesus - on March, 27th 30 AD

 Luke.19:30, Jesus sends disciples for a donkey - Wednesday, on March, 21st 31 AD

Luke.6:1, Jesus goes through the sowed fields – 8th of April 30 AD

Luke.19:41, entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem - Thursday, on March, 22nd 31 AD

Luke.6:12, a pray about election of apostles - on April, 1st 30 AD

Luke.20:1, Jesus teaches in the Temple - on March, 24th 31 AD

Luke.6:13, Jesus elects 12 apostles – 2nd of April 30 AD

Luke.22:4, Judas speaks with chief priests how to betray Jesus - on March, 24th 31 AD

Luke.7:19, John sends the disciples to ask Jesus - on March, 23rd 30 AD

Luke.22:8, Jesus sends Peter and John to prepare Passover - Tuesday, on March, 27th 31 AD

Luke.7:20, John's disciples have asked Jesus - on March, 27th 30 AD

Luke.22:47, Judas kissing betrays Jesus - on March, 27th 31AD, at 24 o'clock in the morning.

Luke.23:7, the Pilate sends Jesus to the Herod - Wednesday, on March, 28th 31 AD, about 13 o’clock in the afternoon

Luke.22:66, elders of the people, chief priests and scribes gather and enter Jesus into their council - Wednesday, on March, 28th 31 AD

Luke.23:11-13, the Herod sends Jesus back to the Pilate. A Pilate convokes chief priests and the rulers and the people and begins court - Thursday, on March, 29th 31 AD, 7 o’clock in the morning.

Luke.23:52, Joseph of Arimathaea asks from Pilate to remove the Body of Jesus - Thursday, on March, 29th 31 AD, after 18 o’clock in the evening

Luke.24:1 - 6, very much early women come to the sepulcher with aromas and find out that Jesus has risen - Sunday, on April, 1st 31 AD

Luke.24:50, Jesus blesses disciples and is lifted on the heaven - on May, 10th 31 AD

In the Gospel from Luke events, since October, 26th 2nd year B.C. and finishing on May, 10th 31 AD are described.

The note: * in lecture to 70 disciples the cities of Chorazin, Capernaum and Bethsaida, Luke.10:13 - 15 are mentioned, and Jesus spoke these words after leaving of disciples of John, Mat.11:7 - 21, 23 that is on March, 27th 30 AD.

The reporting in two thousand year’s time

The knowledge of exact time of events allows restoring them in exact sequence. If to do without tables it will look as follows: on March, 23rd 30 AD John the Baptist has sent two of the disciples to ask Jesus “Are you he who is to come, or shall we look for another?” Luke.7:19. John's disciples arrived to Jesus on Monday on March, 27th 30 AD. Having learnt the answer of the Christ, they have come back just by last day lives of John the Baptist which has been killed on March, 31st 30 AD. Disciples have (have found out about death of John the Baptist this very day, and have gone back to inform Jesus. Their news could reach only for the fourth day from the date of John's death, i.e. by April, 3rd 30 AD. At night from 1st to 2nd of April, 30 AD the Lord has stayed all night long in a pray, Luke.6:12, and when began day i.e. on April, 2nd he has elected 12 apostles, Lk.6:13, Ìðê.6:7. The Lord has said the so-called uphill preaching on April, 2nd when has descended from a mount and stood on an even place (Luke.6:17-20 and further). On April, 2nd Apostles left for the first time for the preaching in nearby settlements and have stayed the night there. On April, 3rd there was a second day of their Christian message, and to evening of this day they have already come back to Jesus, Luke.9:10-12. The miracle with five breads and two fishes was, thus, on April, 3rd 30 AD, Luke.9:13. John's disciples were witnesses of this miracle also: they participated in this dinner when have come to inform Jesus of death of John the Baptist.

Table 12, Dates of events of the Gospel from John

Place of the Scripture,  event date

Place of the Scripture,  event date

Jn.1:19, John the Baptist was asked: «Who are you?» - on February, 26th 29 AD

Jn.9:35, Jews have throw out healed blind, but Jesus has found him - about 11th of October, 30 AD

Jn.1:29, John about Jesus: «Behold, the Lamb of God» - on February, 27th 29 AD

Jn.10:22, the feast of the Dedication: it was celebrated in the month of Chislev, 25th according to Jewish calendar that is since December, 9th 30 AD within 8 days.

Jn.1:35, Andrew follows Jesus – 28th of February 29 AD

Jn.10:40, Jesus goes into place where John before baptized - on December, 16th 30 AD

Jn.1:43, Jesus found Philip and said to him “Follow me” - on March, 1st 29 AD

Jn.11:3, Mary and the Martha have sent to tell to Jesus, that the Lazarus is sick-12th of March, 31AD

Jn.2:1, marriage at Cana in Galilee - on March, 2nd 29 AD

Jn.11:4, envoy have told to Jesus, that the Lazarus is sick – 15th of March, 31 AD

Jn.2:12, Jesus has come to Capernaum – 4th of March 29 AD

Jn.11:7, Jesus goes to Judea – 18th of March, 31AD





Jn.2:23, first Passover in ministering of Jesus – 14th of Nisan, 29 AD (Saturday, on April, 16th 29 AD).

Jn.11:39, Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead - on March, 21st 31 AD.

Jn.3:2, Nicodemus has come to Jesus – 20th of April, 29 AD

Jn.11:47, a council of chief priests and Pharisees against Jesus - on March, 24th 31 AD

Jn.3:22, Jesus with disciples has lodged in Judea - nearby on April, 25th 29 AD

Jn.11:55, for Jesus were looking in the Temple before Jews’ Passover – 25th of March, 31 AD

Jn.4:7, Jesus talks with Samaritan woman - about December, 18th 29 AD

Jn.12:1, Jesus has come to Bethany - Wednesday on March, 21st 31 AD

Jn.4:35, the end of year (December of 29AD means)

Jn.12:12, a solemn entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem – Thursday on March, 22nd 31 AD.

Jn.4:43, Jesus has left from Samaritans - apprx. 20th of December 29 AD

Jn.13:2, Last supper the Christ with apostles - on March, 27th 31 AD, Tuesday.

Jn.5:1, Jesus in Jerusalem on the feast Purim - 7th and 8th of March 30 AD

Jn.13:33 Since Jn.13:33 through Jn.17:26 lecture of Jesus to apostles at Last Supper - on March, 27th 31 AD, Tuesday proceeds.

Jn.6:4-14, a miracle with 5 breads and 2 small fishes - on April, 3rd 30 AD (on the eve of second Passover in ministering of the Lord)

Jn.18:1, Jesus with disciples after Last Supper goes to a garden - Tuesday, on March, 27th 31 AD, 21 o’clock.

Jn.6:22, the people seek for Jesus «because they ate their fill of the loaves» - on April, 4th 30 AD

Jn.18:3, Judas with group and the weapon comes to take Jesus - Tuesday, on March, 27th 31 AD, 24 o’clock.

Jn.6:59, Jesus in a synagogue in Capernaum - on September, 16th 30 AD.

Jn.18:18, Peter is heated at a fire while interrogate of Jesus - Wednesday on March, 28th 31 AD

Jn.7:2, the feast of Tabernacles. Was celebrated from September, 30th till October, 6th (since 15th of Ethanim according Jewish calendar). Conversation with brothers was apprx. 25th of September 30 AD

Jn.18:27, Peter's denial of Christ - Wednesday on March, 28th 31 AD, early in the morning.

Jn.7:14, Jesus on the feast of Tabernacles – 3rd of October 30 AD

Jn.19:14, in the original of the Scripture a word "Friday" is not present.

Jn.7:37, Jesus on last day of the feast – 6th of October 30 AD

Jn.19:31, the Jewish Friday came on Thursday after 18 o’clock, on March, 29th 31 AD

Jn.8:1, Jesus spends the night on the mount of Olives - night from 6th to 7th of October 30 AD

Jn.19:39, Joseph and Nicodemus bury Jesus - Thursday on March, 29th 31 AD, about 20 o’clock in the evening.

Jn.9:1, healing of blind from his birth – 7th of October 30 AD

Jn.20:1, Jesus has risen – 1st of April, 31 AD, Sunday

Jn.9:13, the former blind man is taken to Pharisees - on October, 8th 30 AD

Jn.20:26, risen Jesus appeared to disciples - evening, on April, 8th 31 AD

Jn.9:18, Jews do not believe in healing of blind and call his parents - on October, 9th 30 AD

Jn.21:1 - 14, Jesus in third time showed to the disciples – 15th of April, 31 AD.

Jn.9:24, Jews again interrogate of begun to see clearly man - on October, 10th 30 AD


In the Gospel from John events since February, 26th 29 AD till April, 15th of 31 AD (except for several verses in chapter 1 beginning) are described.

Table 13, Dates of events of the book of Acts of apostles


Scripture’s place


Event date (including dates of beginning and the end of episode)



Conversation of the Christ with apostles in day of Ascension

10th of May 31 AD, on Thursday



Election of apostle Matthias instead of the disappeared Judas

May 31 AD



Descent of the Holy Ghost in day of the Pentecost

On May, 20th 31 AD



Baptism of three thousand accepted

On May, 20th 31 AD, Sunday



Abiding in fellowship and in prayers

The end of 31st year AD



Peter heals lame from a birth at Temple gate

32nd year AD



Priests and the captain of the temple arrests of apostles

32nd year AD



The released apostles pray with church

32 AD



Life of the first church. A case with Ananias and Sapphira

33 AD


Acts.5:14 - 41

Arrest of apostles and their freeing by Angel

34 AD



Appointment of a seven «serve tables»

35 AD



Stephen makes great wonders and miracles among the people

36 AD



Death of Stephen

April of 37th year AD



Persecution against the church in Jerusalem

37 AD



Saul persecutes of the church. Phillip's preaching in Samaria

The end of 37th year AD



To accepted Samaritans have sent Peter and John

January, 38 AD



Apostle Peter confronts to the Simon the sorcerer

The Spring of 38 AD



Apostle Phillip baptizes a man of Ethiopia an eunuch

October, 38 AD



Philip preached, going to Caesarea

Nearby 15th of October 38 AD



The Lord stops of Saul on a way to Damascus

Nearby 20th of October 38 AD



Vision of Ananias; healing and baptism of Saul

Nearby 22nd of October 38 AD



Saul has strengthened and became to preach about Jesus

Since October, 27th 38 AD



Saul preaches in Jerusalem and it is sent in the Tarsus

39 AD



Apostle Peter heals of Aeneas which was sick of the palsy

40 AD



Apostle Peter has raised the Tabitha

40 AD



Apostle Peter is at the Simon a tanner

The end of 40th AD



Baptism of Cornelius and his relatives by apostle Peter

The end of 41st AD



Peter's story, that Holy Ghost has descended and on pagans

February, 42 AD



In Antioch the big number of Grecians has accepted.

March of 42 AD



To Barnabas have charged to visit accepted in Antioch

November, 42 AD



Barnabas in the Tarsus seeks Saul and brings his in Antioch

December, 42 AD



Barnabas and Saul preaching in Antioch

Since January, 43 AD



The help to brothers in Judea during hunger

January, 44 AD



The Herod has rebelled against some from church

February, 44 AD



The Herod has killed James Zebedee

March 44 AD



Affairs of the Herod and his death

44 AD



 Barnabas and Saul are separated for work of God

45 AD



The beginning of missionary activity of apostle Paul

September 46 AD



Deputy of the country Sergius believed. Elymas the sorcerer.

The end of 46 AD



Paul and his employees go in Perga

February 47 AD



The preaching of Paul in synagogue of Antioch in Pisidia

47 AD



The preaching to whole city. Resistance of the Jews

The end of 47 AD


Acts.14:1 - 4

The preaching and abiding of Paul in Iconium

Since the beginning of 48 AD


Acts.14:5 - 18

Barnabas and Paul preaches in Lystra

October 48 AD



The preaching in Derbe. The first presbyters from pagans

The end of 48 AD



The preaching of word of God in Perga

March 49 AD



End of 1st missionary travel of Paul

June 49 AD



Paul again ministers in Antioch church

Since the middle of 49 AD



Meeting of apostles and presbyters in Jerusalem

March 50 AD



The letter of apostles is read to church in Antioch

May, 50 AD



Paul and Barnabas continue to live in Antioch

Till the end of 50 AD



The beginning of 2nd missionary travel of apostle Paul

Since January 51 AD



The preaching of apostles in churches of Syria and Cilicia

During January 51AD



Being in Derbe, Paul takes with him Timotheus

Since February 51 AD



The preaching of Apostles in churches of Phrygia and Galatia

During February 51 AD



After vision in Troas Paul goes to Macedonia

About 6th of March 51 AD



Baptism of Lydia from the city of Thyatira and her family

On March, 13th 51 AD



Case with the possessed servant

The end* of March 51 AD



Released Paul preaches in a synagogue

April of 51 AD



Paul preaches in Berea and in Athens

Within May 51AD



Paul has come to Corinth and lived at Aquila and Priscilla

Since June 51 till April 52 AD



Paul preaches, living at Justus

The middle of 52AD



Paul remains at Justus for a year and 6 months. An attack of Jews

Till the end of 53 AD



 Abiding of apostle Paul in Ephesus

April of 54 AD



Having visited Caesarea in the end of May, Paul has visited the Jerusalem church

Since May, 24th till June, 9th 54 AD



The end of 2nd and the beginning of 3rd missionary travel of Paul

The middle of 54 AD



Paul baptizes 12 disciples in Ephesus

The beginning of 55 AD



Paul preaches 3 months in a synagogue of Ephesus

Since January, 18th 55 AD



Paul preaches 2 years in the school of one Tyrannus

Since April, 21st of 55 AD



Mutiny Ephesians led by a silversmith the Demetrius

About on 21st of April 57AD



Paul leaves Ephesus (on May, 28th 57 AD), walk Macedonia and 3 months abides in Greece

Since 26th of November 57 till February, 27th of 58 AD



Luke with companions sail from Philippi

On April, 16th 58 AD



Sleepy young man Eutychus falls from 3rd floor

At night from Sunday to Monday 29th of April 58 AD



Paul has met with companions, sails and arrives in Miletus

Since April, 30th till May, 5th 58 AD



Paul collects presbyters in Miletus and gives them last lectures

On May, 7th 58 AD



Paul leaves Miletus and arrives to the Tyre where finds disciples

Since 8 till 31 of May, 58 AD



Paul comes to Caesarea where lives in house of Philip the evangelist

Since June, 3rd 58 till February, 10th 59 AD



Paul comes to Jerusalem, meets James and attends the Temple

From February, 12th till February, 13th 59 AD



Apostle Paul is seized by Jews in the Temple

On February, 19th 59 AD



Arrested Paul delivers a speech before the people

On February, 19th 59 AD



Jews accuse Paul before the high captain

On February, 20th 59 AD



Jews bound themselves under a curse to kill Paul, but the high captain has sent him to Caesarea at night

From February, 21 till February, 23rd 59 AD



Paul faces to court of procurator Felix

On March, 1st 59 AD



Felix with the wife listen to Paul about the faith in the Christ

On March, 6th 59 AD



In 2 years the new procurator has left Paul in prison

On March, 6th 61 AD



The high priest and notable Jews came to procurator Festus with the complaint against Paul

On March, 12th 61 AD



Festus judges Paul and decides to send his to the Caesar

On March, 25th 61AD



King Agrippa and Bernice arrived at Caesarea to welcome Festus. In some days Festus have offered them Paul’s case

On April, 7th 61 AD On May, 15th 61 AD


Acts.25:23 till 26:32

King Agrippa, Bernice with chief captains and principal men of the city listen to speech of Paul

On May, 16th 61 AD



Under decision Festus apostle Paul goes to Italy

On August, 28th 62 AD



Way to Italy: through Sidon (29th of August); Cyprus (9th of September); have sat down on the Alexandria ship -

On September, 24th 62 AD



Continuation of a way to Italy

The beginning of October 62 AD



The ship gets to a storm and suffers ship-wreck at island Melita (modern Malta)

With 27îêòÿáðÿ on November, 9th 62ã. AD



Paul winters on Malta, heals patients. A sting of a snake.

Since November, 9th of 62



Paul continues a way to Rome: departure 9th of February 63; in Syracuse since 12th of February; in Rhegium 19th of February; the southern wind – 20th of February has blown; in Puteoli - since 21st of February; have gone to Rome – 27th of February; are met by brothers on Appiiforum -1st of March and, at last, have come to Rome -

On March, 2nd 63 AD



Paul talks with the local leaders of the Jews in Rome

On March, 6th 63 AD



In the day appointed by Jews ** Paul testifies them the doctrine about Kingdom of God

On March, 17th 63 AD



Last two years of the life of apostle Paul

till March, 18th 65 AD

Notes: *given the fragment of 16th head totals 25 verses. In the Table event time only the first of these verses, in this case 16th, usually is indicated. It is made with a view of a practicality: the matter is that in the book of Acts of Apostles is more than 1000 verses (!) and consequently the table with such considerable quantity of points would be rather bulky. However it is necessary to mean, that the author considers time of all of 1006 verses entering into the book of Acts. ** As the first conversation of apostle Paul to Jews occurred in March it was impossible to appoint the best day for the second conversation rather than on March, 17th: it was the second day of feast Purim in which many Jews from different places were went on a feast. They could devote the first day of a feast bodily for dialogue in a synagogue while in the second could visit and Paul for conversation with him.

14. Chronology of the General Epistle of James.

Chronology of the Epistle of James can be defined only after dating of Epistle of Paul to the Galatians, in connection with the doctrine of the specified apostles, both about faith, and about affairs.

To the Chronology of the Epistle to Galatians: in June of 54 AD apostle Paul was in Antioch (see the Table of Acts of apostles, point 63) where at that time he could meet with apostle Peter, Gal.2:11. In the Epistle to Galatians, 1:2 the brothers who were present at a writing of the Epistle to Galatians are mentioned. If them was no more than two they would be mentioned by names, but them was even more than three: see for example Acts.19:22, 20:4. Being in Greece, Apostle Paul had time (3 months) for the Epistle writing to Galatians, see Acts.20:3. It was since November 57 till February 58 AD; see in the Table of Acts point 71. The author regards the Epistle writing to Galatians was in January 58 AD. Being far from the Galatians’ country and having heard, that Galatians "have became obsessed with the law”, Paul has decided to write them the Epistle. It could be received by Galatians not earlier than the end of March 58 AD. The message was the big blow for judaic of Christians and since April 58 AD have started to be spread rumors about this Epistle of Paul, reached and to Jerusalem “jewish” Christians. The news about this Epistle could reach Jerusalem in May 58 AD, by day of the Pentecost. From now on the apostle to James they have started to come with strenuously requests «to give the appropriate answer». Certainly, Apostle James did not begin to write the Epistle immediately: in 59th year he only contemplated over the Epistle and was going to make it. But about 60 AD it already becomes possible. The apostle James has been killed by Jews during Passover commemorating, on April, 14th 63 AD. We date the Epistle of the apostle of James 62nd year AD.

15. Dating of the First Epistle General of Apostle Peter.

In 1Pet.4:12 - 14 “the fiery trial “is mentioned. These words have been written in connection with a fire in Rome of which Nero has accused Christians. Many thousand from them have thus suffered. The fire has begun on July, 19th 64 AD and proceeded till the morning on July, 26th. Here it is important to understand time when persecutions of Christians have begun. This time can be found out from the 2nd Epistle to Timothy to whom Paul has written: « Do your best to come before winter », 2Tim.4:21. To come to Apostle Paul, Timothy needed to overcome a way in length more than 1300 kilometers (i.e. 800 miles from Ephesus to Rome). From them of 900 km (i.e. 560 miles) by sea for what needed 18 days. So many were required and on overland road, that is 36 days in total. However even 36 days of others were necessary, that the Epistle of Paul has come to Timothy from Rome in Ephesus. So, Apostle Paul should write 2nd Epistle to Timothy 72 days prior to winter, at least. It means, that Paul wrote it practically on October, 1st 64 AD! And by this time as execution lion's month against Christians were already applied, see 2Tim.4:17. The news about the beginning of persecutions and executions of Christians in Rome could reach Jerusalem (where there was in that time apostle Peter) in one and a half month. Provided that persecutions proceeded within a month the news about it should come to Jerusalem in the middle of December. December of 64 AD also is the time of writing of the First Epistle of Peter.

16. Dating of the Second Epistle General of Apostle Peter.

Alarm place is 2Pet.3:16 where it is a question of ALL epistles of Apostle Paul. That is they have been already written ALL by a time of writing of 2nd Epistle of Peter. However to talk about all epistles it is possible only in the event of they are written already all without an exception and the given author to write them any more will not be (or cannot, for example in case of death). Last of epistles of Paul could not be written after March 65 AD as it was last month of life of Apostle Paul. Peter's second Epistle, thus, is written later, that is in May of 65 AD.

17. Dating of epistles of Apostle John.

General regulations: a) apostle John wrote the 1st Epistle at such age, that all suited to him in children: see for example 1 Jn.2:1, 18, 28; 3:7, 18; 4:4; 5:21. That is he was more than 90 years. b) The word "the elder" is mentioned in two last Epistles (and in 1st Epistle it is not present). This word has appeared in Epistles after writing by John of the Revelation book in which it is mentioned many times. From here the general sequence of a writing of Epistles of Apostle John: at first 1st Epistles, then the Revelation book, then 2nd Epistles and, at last, the third have been written. c) Time frameworks: Epistles have been written by the end of a life of Apostle John when many heresies (which he exposes) have already started to develop. On the other hand, Apostle John could not write the Epistles at the very end of the life, when could not go any more (and to speak) freely, without difficulties of senile age. d) «… I found of your children walking in truth» - these words of 2nd Epistle could be written after release from the exile to island Patmos. Apostle John has been exiled on the island Patmos in 94th year AD in reign of Emperor Domitian (by the end of his reign). After death of Domitian in 96 the emperor became the Nerve under which Apostle John continued to remain in the exile. And only after death Nerve in 98th year, in reign already the emperor of Trajan, apostle John has been released.

Dating: John's First Epistle has been written in 93rd year AD. John's Second Epistle has been written in 98th year AD. Third Epistle of John has been written in 99th year AD.

18. Chronology of the General Epistle of Jude.

1) Jude, being the brother of James, would not write the Epistle during lifetime of James who has been killed in April of 63rd year AD.

2) In 17th and 18th verses of the Epistle Jude refers to Peter's 2nd Epistle, 3:3, 4. This reference says that there has passed enough time from the moment of Church formation. It is clear from words «where is the promise of his coming (i.e. coming of the Christ)? ». Also that in a time of writing of the Epistle by Jude these words scoffers already said. Peter's second Epistle has been written in May 65 AD, so Judas Epistle has been written even later.

3) Since August 64 AD have begun persecutions of Christians under Nero. But Jude writes and addresses the Epistle to them «who are… kept for Jesus Christ», see the first verse, that is to escaped after persecution. Nero has died in 68th year so, Jude’s Epistle has been written even later.

4) In 70th year were military actions against Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple which would not allow writing the Epistle (and the Epistle subjects would be another). There is only 69th year of our era which is year of a writing of the Epistle of Jude.

 19. Epistle dating to Romans.

Alarm place are words from Rom.15:25-27 where Apostle Paul informs, that wrote the given Epistle, going to Jerusalem to deliver a handout for the poor saints. About same it is told and in Acts.24:17 (and at 24:11). According to Table 13 (point 83) see above, the given event was in March 59th year AD. Having come back to the beginning of the way of apostle Paul to Jerusalem, see Acts.20:3, we will see, that Paul has stayed in Greece 3 months, till the end of February 58 AD. Here also the Epistle to Romans has been written which we date by February 58th year AD.

20. Chronology of the First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians.

Defining place are words from 1Cor.16:5 « for I do pass through Macedonia». It means, that in a time of writing of the given Epistle Paul was in Macedonia (wrote the Epistle in Macedonia). Knowing time, when Apostle Paul was in Macedonia, it is possible for that to know and the time of Epistle writing. However Paul was in Macedonia some times:

 1) Acts.16:12 - was in March 51 AD;

2) Acts.20:1, 2 - was in the summer 57 AD;

3) Acts.20:3 - was in the winter of 58th year AD, see above points 56 and 71 of Table 13.

 From the given three visitations of Macedonia it is necessary to keep the necessary. As in the given Epistle, see 1Cor.16:19 are mentioned Aquila and Priscilla point 1 disappears as too early. In point 3 it is told, that Paul accompanied by seven brothers not being late, has simply passed through Macedonia directly at Troas, Acts.20:5. There is approaching only point 2 where Paul not only passed, but also «had given (to believers) much exhortation». According to Table 13 Paul was that time in Macedonia since June and till November 57 AD. We specify the time of writing of the First Epistle to Corinthians July 57th year AD.

21. Dating of the Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians.

The First Epistle to the Corinthians has been written in 57 AD, section 20th see above. And in the beginning of 59th year Apostle Paul has been already arrested. Meanwhile, in the Second Epistle to Corinthians he is still free also is going to come to them, 2Cor.12:21. There is only one year in which the given Epistle could be written and in which Paul was free: it is 58 AD. More precisely, we date the Second Epistle to Corinthians by March 58 AD.

22. Chronology of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians.

It is stated in «Chronology of the General Epistle of James», section 14 see above. The author of the given book Indicates the Epistle writing to Galatians in January 58th year AD.

23. Chronology of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Ephesians.

1) From the text it is visible, that Paul already is held in confinement, Eph.3:1.

2) In Eph.3:2 there is pointing out on 1Cor.3:10. As the First Epistle to the Corinthians has been written in 57 AD from here follows, that the Epistle to the Ephesians has been written after 57th year.

3) In Eph.3:13 troubles of Apostle Paul are mentioned, and about trouble of other prisoners - Christians is spoken nothing. That is, they yet were not and in this case is meant imprisonment of Apostle Paul during the period till August 64th year.

4) In the text from Eph.6:12 are mentioned the principalities and the powers (spiritual) but, nevertheless the conflict to them; in Eph.6:13 opposition in the evil day, and in Eph.6:16 - the fiery darts of the wicked is mentioned: it is a hint on accusation of Christians of the fire at Nero, in August 64 AD. In Eph.6:22 Paul sends Tychicus that he might comfort believers (in yet not till the end of known and just approaching then a trouble). The author dates the given Epistle by August 64 AD.

24. Chronology of the Epistle of Paul the Apostles to the Philippians.

1) In Phil.1:13 it is told, that «it has become known throughout the whole Praetorian Guard and to all the rest … and most of the brethren … are much bolder to speak the word of God». Here there is a speech about the imprisonment in Herod’s judgment hall, Acts.23:35 where Paul was since February, 23rd 59 AD. «Throughout the whole praetorian guard» - so also to the Herod, and it was in May 61 AD, Acts.25:23 see above Table 13, point 89.

 2) In Phil.4:22 Paul gives salute from « Caesar’s household», and it means that Paul already was in Rome in prison.

3) Paul yet does not know the fate. Timothy also has not come yet, Phil.2:23 and it was in November 64 AD. And it is the Epistle time of writing to Philippians.

25. Chronology of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians.

1) From the Epistle text it is visible, that Paul was in imprisonment, Col.4:23.

 2) Demas for the present has not left Apostle Paul, Col.4:14. According to data from «Chronology of the Second Epistle to Timothy», section 29 see lower, Demas will leave Apostle Paul in the first decade of September, counting, that transitions by the sea are still possible. According all these signs is visible, that apostle Paul wrote the Epistle to the Colossians literally some days before he was left by Demas, that is in the beginning of September 64th year AD.

26. Chronology of the First Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians.

1) The Christian mission of Paul was at first in Philippi, then in Thessalonica, 1 Thes.2:2, Acts.17:1-4.

2) At a writing of the Epistle were present Timothy and Silvanus, 1Thes.1:1 (their presence or absence also is time indicator as during the different periods of activity of Apostle Paul they were in different places).

 3) Paul was in Athens, whence has sent Timothy to Thessalonica and he has had time to come back already, see 1Thes.3:1. According to the signs, following from point 2, follows, that the Epistle is written after August, 52 AD. On the other hand, the Epistle could not be written after 54th year AD (it is the deadline). Troubles and the poverty, mentioned in the given Epistle were under Emperor Claudius when there was a hunger, and it was in 53rd year in which beginning the given Epistle has been written.

27. Chronology of the Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians.

The given Second Epistle has been written from same place, as the First, that is from Achaia. While the First Epistle concerns more close the beginning of abiding of Paul in Achaia (and he was there one and a half year, see Acts.18:11) the Second Epistle contrary, in the end of his abiding in Achaia, Acts.18:18, that is in the beginning of 54th year AD, is written.

28. Chronology of the First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy.

«Departing to Macedonia, I asked you (i.e. Timothy) remain in Ephesus», writes Paul the Apostle, see 1Tim.1:3. About leaving of Paul for Macedonia it is written and in Acts of Apostles, 20:1. According to Table 13 (see above) this event was in May 57 AD. In Macedonia Paul was till the middle of November of the same year. But navigation on the sea is closer by the winter stopped and it would be difficult to transfer the given First Epistle to Timothy. Therefore it has been written in August and is transferred not later than September, 57 AD.

29. Chronology of the Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy.

Apostle Paul should write the Second Epistle 72 days prior winter, not less, that is not later than October, 1st 64 AD. More in detail about it see in «Chronology of the 1st Epistle General of Peter». Reading 2nd Epistle to Timothy it is visible, that Demas has already left Apostle Paul, and has left in the first decade of September, counting that transitions by the sea are still possible (Demas has choose to himself a way from Rome to Thessalonica, see 2Tim.4:10). Apostle Paul too well knew about difficulties for delivery of items of mail in the winter and consequently was in a hurry to write and transfer the Epistle to Timothy in time. The author counting, that it has been written in the middle of September 64 AD.

30. Chronology of the Epistle of Paul to Titus.

Apostle Paul wrote the Epistles in quite often winter when there were difficulties for dissemination of good news on account of weather conditions. Paul writes to Titus that has decided to winter in the Greek city of Nicopolis, Tit.3:12, whence writes the Epistle. Apostle Paul prepared for winter in good time, having asked the help in this case at Corinthians, 1 Cor.16:6. These plans of Paul have come true, and Corinthians really have found for him a place for wintering in Nicopolis and lead him there. It was the winter from 57th to 58th year AD. Here he has stayed 3 months, see Acts.20:2,3. In December of 57th year the Message has been already written.

31. Chronology of the Epistle of Paul to Philemon.

The general remarks: it is mentioned Archippus, see Philem.1:2, living in Colossus, see Col.4:17. Such predication is well traced: at first Paul had some employees: Mark, Aristarchus, Demas and Luke, see Philim.1:24. But in process of deterioration of conditions and increase of persecutions under Nero the quantity of employees began to decrease: soon remained only Demas (and Luke) see Col.4:14. Then has left and Demas, have left all but Luke, 2 Tim.4:10, 16. Persecutions continued to increase, and in August of 64th year has already appeared, besides Paul, and the first prisoner - Christian Ep’aphras, see Phil.1:23. All these circumstances allow to date the Epistle to the Philemon back to the end of August 64 AD.

32. Chronology of the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews.

1) As appears from the Epistle text, blood (martyrs under Nero) has not spilt yet, Heb.12:4;

2) Prisoners in Christ have already appeared, Heb.13:3;

3) Timothy (which Apostle Paul so waited, - see 2Tim.4: 9, 21) has not come yet, Heb.13:23. All these specifies in the end of September 64 AD when in one of prisons of Rome in anticipation of a definitive sentence Apostle Paul had been wrote the given Epistle to Hebrews.

33. Dating of the book of Revelation of St. John.

Apostle John was in exile on island Patmos, that in Aegean sea from 94th to 98th year AD. Is more detailed about it see above in section 17. In the same place, on Patmos the Revelation book has been written. There is a testimony that it has been written not at once, but during more than a year. Taking into account the given circumstance, the author defines a writing of the book of Revelation back to 96 AD.

34. Time of ministering of Lord Jesus Christ

1) Have begun with baptism of Jesus on January, 19th 29 AD at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, i.e. the first 6 hours of ministering in that day*.

2) Then have passed 347 days of ministering remaining till the end of this 29th year AD (29th year was leap).

3) Then has passed all 30th year AD of terrestrial ministering of the Lord, i.e. 365 days.

4) Then there has come last, 31st year AD of ministering of the Lord. Ministering proceeded till April, 1st when Christ is risen and then showed himself 40 days to the disciples. Last from these 40 days is fells on Thursday, on May, 10th 31 AD in which the Lord was taken up, in the end of day **, including: January 31 AD - 31 day; February 31 AD - 28 days; March 31 AD - 31 day; April 31 AD - 30 days and 10 days of May 31st year AD = total 130 days of 31st year AD. Total full time of terrestrial ministering of the Lord: 2 years, 3 months, 21 days and 6 hours.

Notes: *accordingly Bible, day comes to the end at 18 o'clock. ** Ascension was at 18 o'clock (in evening).

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