About the author
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About the author



Ivanitskiy Nikolay Ivanovich, 1948 of a birth.

Education: the Kiev electromechanical college.

Worked as the senior technician in All-Union scientific research institute of analytical instrument making, means of communication and automatic systems in Kiev.

In 1978 has married Derkhacheva Svetlana and has moved on a residence to of Sukhumi where worked as the chief power engineer. Have six sons and three daughters.

Has accepted and became the Christian in 1970 then preached the prophetical content of the biblical book of Revelation in such cities as Kiev, Zaporozhye, Sukhumi, Batumi, Tbilisi, Vladikavkaz, Moscow, Ryazan, Sochi, Abinsk and others. In 1984 has been elected by the deacon of Baptist church on street Shukura, 24 in of Sukhumi where carried ministering. In post-war Abkhazia carried ministering as the pastor in one of Baptist churches in Sukhum, on street Sea, 40. On pastoral ministering is elected in 1997.

The author of eight books: «Testimony of Jesus», «Last Invitation», «The Key of the King David», «The Gold City», «World Regeneration», «40 days in Paradise», «Interpretation of prophetical words and images of the book of Revelation» (in Russian and English languages) and the given book.

The author addresses the given book to what are familiar with the Bible and is ready to answer questions which may be at readers.

Date of the Russian edition: on June, 2nd, 2008

Date of the English edition: on May, 26th, 2010.

From Russian into English translated by author

About the book responses and questions it is possible to send by e-mail:


The given book does not emanates from any Church or from a religious current and at its writing the author have guided only by the Bible and that it is usually names "common sense" and «good conscience before God».
