Section 13 The mysterious voices mentioned in the book of Revelation
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Section 13 The mysterious voices mentioned in the book of Revelation

« sheep (of Jesus) … know his voice », John.10: 4.

In the above-stated place of the Gospel of John the Lord has told a parable about the shepherd of the sheep, meaning himself; the author of the given book has resulted this place in that kind in what it is necessary to understand it. In the beginning of this section we have decided to follow a voice of the Lord which repeatedly sounds in John's Revelation. But sometimes to distinguish the voice of the Lord from other voices - it is hard. We meet such problem in several places of the book of Revelation. Here they: Rev.6:6, 9:14, 11:12, 13:9, 16:1, 16:7, 16:17, 19:5, 17; 21:3,4; 22:17. The present section also is devoted identification of these voices.

1. Now before us place Rev.6:6 and the following question: who possesses the mysterious voice that is hearing among four beasts? From the verse text it is visible, that the voice instructs in the midst of 4 beasts. As it has already been told in section 9, four beasts submit directly to the Lord, therefore and the Lord can give them instructions only. Thus, words about the price of the bread, told at removal of 3rd seal, belong to the Lord. That the voice in the midst of 4 seraphims belongs to the Lord, confirms and Rev.5:5, where the Lamb (that is Jesus) in the midst of 4 beasts (or, in another way, in the midst of seraphims) is visible.

2. Answering a question who possesses a voice, sounding in Rev.9:14, we see, that it sounds from the altar. We will look at first that speaks the Holy Writings about the altar: from the book the Exodus, 20:24 we learn, that the altar is memory of a name of the Lord. In the second place, Ex. 29:37 we read, that the altar is most holy, whatsoever touching the altar - will be holy. The altar also is the witness, that the Lord is our God, Joshua.22:34. Approaching to the altar, we at the same time approach to the God, is told in the Psalm 43:4. So, the voice sounded from the altar and it has been turned towards one of 7 Angels (to tell better, to one of Archangels). Considering resulted above places of Scripture about the altar, we come to conclusion, that it is a voice of the Lord as enjoin to the Archangel he can only. The last assertion concerns and to Rev.16:1 where the voice of the Lord also sounds. True sheep of his pasture will agree with these conclusions as they know the voice of the Lord.

3. About a voice from Rev.11:12 it is possible to tell, that it sounds at the moment of Catching up. About Catching up there is a speech and in Rev.4:1 where we find the same words: «Come up hither». Here we read that Apostle John heard a former voice, as it were of a trumpet. But it is Jesus voice; it is possible to be convinced of it out of Rev.1:10.

4. In Rev.13:9 we find expression: «If any man have an ear, let him hear». It is impossible to attribute these words to someone to another, except the Lord, Spirit Holy. In the text of Revelation by this voice there overlooked thousands readers, but for it this voice has not lost the belonging. It is enough to address to such texts of Revelation as 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22 to be convinced, that this is a voice of Holy Spirit. Really and after that set of Bible places someone does not learn a voice of the Lord? I do not think. After all his sheep know his voice.

5. Investigating Rev.16:7, we find, that in this case speaks the altar. Such is reading of new translation of the original in the Greek language: «And I heard the altar speaking» (instead of: «And I heard another out of the altar say» - old translation). During time when the altar is audible, glory of God and his power stayed in the temple which was in the heaven, Rev.15:8. As the temple (as per se) in heaven is not present, Rev.21:22, Church of God is meant it, 1Cor.3:16 which at that time already will be in heaven while on the Earth there will be God’s judgments. God’s vengeance on them who have shed the blood of saints and prophets, Rev.16:6 in this case means. About this judgment and vengeance cried to the God the souls of killed, being under the altar, Rev.6:9, 10. And when this judgment, at last, will come, then these souls will be glorified of the Lord, speaking: « Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are your judgments », Rev.16:7. In that time they are under the altar, therefore the correct it is necessary to recognize a new reading of the Greek original: « And I heard the altar speaking », the voice from Rev.16:7 belongs to these souls.

6. Once again the voice of the Lord sounds in Rev.16:17, where out of the temple (i.e. out of the midst of Church, see 1Cor.3:16 which at that time already is in heaven) from the throne of God there came a great voice, saying: « IT IS DONE! ». That it is a voice of the Lord, it is visible from Rev.21:6 where the same words and the same voice of One that sat upon the throne sound. Children of God have already learnt this voice! This word has been told by Jesus before the death on a cross, John.19:30. It is Jesus voice!

7. In Rev.19:5 the Lord calls also all servants and those that fear him, both small of them, and great, to praise the God. As well you reading these lines, glorify him for he is worthy of glory. During described time Lord Jesus will sit upon the throne as the King, the God and the Almighty.

8. In Rev.19:17 the voice of Angel, standing in the sun is audible. English translation JKV gives reading «standing in the sun». As it is known from the Holy Writings, the sun is an image of the Lord, Mal.4:2. Angel gives the order to "all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven» (that is to all Angels living in the middle Heaven). As is used the words “to all” it means, that to Archangel Michael including. But one Lord can make it only. In a parallel place from prophet Ezekiel, 39:17 are similar words and they belong to the Lord: « thus says the Lord God », we read there. These and some other signs specify in the Lord. We do a conclusion, that the voice in Rev.19:17 belongs to the Lord.

9. A voice out of heaven (in Rev.21:3) also is a voice of God. It is possible to be convinced of it with an example of places Rev.10:4 and Rev.18:4 where this voice also sounds. The voice from heaven is a voice of the Lord, a voice of Holy Spirit, Rev.14:13, 22:17. Those who have learnt his voice, will follow it. Those will refuse to follow those who calls sheep with own, and for sheep another's voices.

10. With the verse Rev.22:13, after a word the END, (which the Lord too says) comes to an end a prophetical part of the book of Revelation.

To Apostle John showed visions of the book of Revelation one of seven Archangels. Especially it is appreciable, since Rev.17:1 till 19:10, and also Rev.21:6, 9, etc. To the Archangel is entrusted on behalf of the Lord to tell words, such as in Rev.22:12, etc. Words of the Lord God Jesus Christ sounded in Revelation, in our opinion, 21 times. Last chapter of the book of Revelation has feature: with the verse 22:13 the prophetical part of the book of Revelation comes to an end, but words of the Lord with it do not come to an end. Following two verses - also are speech of the Lord. However, speech of the Lord is transferred here by the Archangel, but it does not change an essence of the matter. In the subsequent 16th and 17th verses, undoubtedly, too sounds speech of the Lord, of the Holy Spirit. The testimony of the Lord proceeds both in 18th and in 19th verses. The penultimate, 20th verse confirms, that the testimony of these verses belongs to the Lord. And only in the end of the chapter the voice of Apostle John that the grace of Lord Jesus be with all once again sounds. Thus, speech of the Lord sounds, not interrupting, till the end of the chapter. This circumstance allows us not to divide this last chapter into two parts. Told above it is necessary to attribute and to the first allocated part 1:1-7. There are grounds to unite this part with a fragment 1:8-11. In result (if to follow a voice of the Lord) it is had 21 chapters of Revelation. Thus, with the verse 1:8 the prophecy begins, and with the verse 22:13 comes to an end. The given breakdown into chapters is executed by the author in the research purposes. However, existing breakdown into chapters quite suits the author for using.
