Клінічна електрокардіографія (англ. мовою) - Л.М. Приступа, Ю.О. Отаман.



History and development of ECG method

1. Anatomy of the cardiac conducting system

2. Electrophysiology of the heart

3. Basic ECG principles 3.1 Recording ECG

3.2 ECG graph paper

3.3 Filter selection

3.4 ECG leads

3.5 The electrical axis

3.6 Normal ECG

3.7 Ambulatory monitoring in evaluating heart rhythm and ischemic problems

3.8 Cardiac exercise and drug provocation stress tests

4. Diagnostic electrocardiographic signs of cardiac arrhythmias

Classification of cardiac arrythmias (dysrhythmias)

4.1 Altered automaticity of the sinoatrial node 4.1.1 Sinus tachycardia

4.1.2 Sinus bradycardia

4.1.3 Sinus arrhythmia

4.1.4 Sick sinus syndrome

4.2 Increased automatist of the ectopic pacemaker 4.2.1 Atrial, junctional, idioventricular rhythms

4.2.2 Wandering pacemaker

4.2.3 Parasystole

4.3 Ectopic arrhythmias caused by increased excitability of the myocardium

4.3.1Premature heart beat (extrasystole) supraventricular (atrial and junctional) contraction Premature ventricular contraction

4.3.2 Paroxysmal tachycardias Supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia Ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia

4.3.3 Atrial and ventricular flutter and fibrillation Atrial flutter Atrial fibrillation Ventricular flutter and fibrillation

4.4 Abnormalities of heart conduction function

4.4.1 Sinoatrial block

4.4.2 Atrioventricular block

4.4.3 Bundle branch blocks

4.4.4 Accelerated AV – conduction (preexcitation syndromes)

5. Diagnostic ECG–signs of atrial and ventricular hypertrophies (enlargements) 5.1 Right atrial hypertrophy

5.2 Right ventricular hypertrophy

5.3 Left atrial hypertrophy

5.4 Left ventricular hypertrophy

6. ECG changes in other cardiac diseases 6.1 Ischemic heart disease

6.1.1 Angina pectoris

6.1.2 Cardiosclerosis

6.1.3 Myocardial infarction

6.1.4. Pseudoinfarction ECG changes

6.2 Acute pericarditis

6.3 Acute myocarditis

6.4. Pulmonary embolism

6.5 Brugada syndrome

6.6 Long QT syndrome

6.7 Short QT syndrome

6.8 Early repolarization syndrome

7. Diagnostic of the Electrolyte disorders

8. drug induced changes in electrocardiogram 8.1 Digitalis intoxication

8.2 Phenothiazines

8.3 Antidepressants

8.4 Dopamine and other catecholamines

Theoretical Self-control tests (Only one answer is always correct)


Table of contents
